Monday, March 20, 2023 marks the first day of spring! As the weather warms up, new leaves are emerging and flowers are blooming. This week’s activity takes us outside on a nature walk to collect grasses, leaves, sticks, rocks, and flowers to use in colorful, springtime art-making!
Humans have collected plants, rocks, and sticks for pigments and art-making materials for thousands of years. Natural materials are all around us in our neighborhoods, parks, in sidewalk cracks, and even right outside your doorstep. Head out on a nature walk to hunt for moist grass, leaves, and brightly colored wildflowers. Dandelions and weeds work well too!
(Note: Please ask for permission to collect from private property [that’s not your own] and remember: no collecting is permitted in regional parks. Here’s a list of endangered plants in CA that may not be collected. Interestingly, there are no laws prohibiting the collection of California poppies [the California state flower] as long as they are on private property.)
On the nature walk, try using all five of the senses: seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting — yes, even tasting edible weeds. See Habitot’s Kid-focused Nature Walk Guide for more suggestions.
Once the natural materials have been collected, here are some ways you and your child can use them to make art at home: