LGBTQ+ Resources


See our resource guide for East Bay families headed by LGBTQ+ folx, transgender & gender creative children, and their allies. This list of articles, videos, books, and special LGBTQ+ focused art activities was developed in partnership with Our Family Coalition, Oakland LGBTQ+ Center, Bananas, and Gender Spectrum during Pride Month 2021.

Do you have a resource you’d like to add to our list? Email


List of LGBTQ+ Pride Flags

Every June in Habitot’s Art Studio, we’ve created rainbow-themed art as part of our week-long “Rainbow Arts” Pride celebration. We want to acknowledge that the traditional rainbow Pride flag, from which we’ve drawn inspiration for our art activities, might not fully reflect the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. There are many flags used by groups in the LGBTQ+ community that we’d like to highlight and include in our 2021 celebration. Check out this list of Pride flags and what they mean to specific communities!


LGBTQ+ Focused Books for ages 0-5!

Habitot’s June Book of the Month is:

Julián is a Mermaid by Jessica Love!

Watch Mikaela read Julián is a Mermaid here

Winner of the Stonewall Book Award, Julián is a Mermaid is a beautifully illustrated story about the importance of being seen and affirmed. While riding the subway home with his abuela one day, Julián notices three women spectacularly dressed up and becomes inspired!

You and your child can watch our friend Mikaela Chant, the Family, Friends, and Neighbors Coordinator and Playgroup Facilitator from Bananas, read Julián is a Mermaid for Habitot’s 2021 Pride celebration on Habitot’s Youtube Channel!

See Habitot’s full list of LGBTQ+ Books for ages 0-5!


Support for East Bay Families Headed by LGBTQ+ Folx

Local LGBTQ+ Organizations and Groups:

  • Our Family Coalition has partnered with Habitot for more than 10 years to provide Rainbow Family Fun Nights and annual Pride Days in the Museum! OFC provides support for LGBTQ+ families with children, prospective parents, youth, and allies. Join their workshops, support groups, outings, seasonal celebrations, meet ups, classes, play dates, and referrals in San Francisco and the East Bay.
  • Oakland LGBTQ+ Community Center is dedicated to enhancing and sustaining the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals, families, and allies by providing educational, social, and health- related activities, programs, and services. Their current virtual support groups include (but are not limited to) A Gathering Place – People of Color Extended Family, Bi/Pansexual Peer Support Group, Black Connect Support Group (for gay/bi/trans/queer men), Black Women Connect Support Group, LGBTQ-Friendly Grief & Loss Support Group, A Trans Women and Trans Femme Support Circle, and more!
  • Gender Spectrum provides a wealth of online programs, resources, and information that young people, parents, and families can use to further their understanding of gender and learn the value of parental and adult support. Their programs include videos created by and for young people, parenting programs, and interviews with professionals whose work informs the best practices for supporting children and youth. From information and stories about gender to interactive online groups, to building community and meeting others, Gender Spectrum’s online programs aim to bring information and community right to you.
  • PFLAG Oakland-East Bay is a local chapter of PFLAG National, celebrating 47 years as the nation’s largest family and ally organization uniting people who are LGBTQ+ with families, friends, and allies. PFLAG holds monthly meetings and organizes and participates in community activities that further equality, affirmation, and respect for all people, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity.